By Morgan Carter

As November comes and goes, Scorpio season comes to an end and Sagittarius season begins. Scorpio season begins on October 23rd and ends on November 21st meaning if you were born on or within these days you are a Scorpio and it is your Sun sign. Scorpio is the fixed water sign and those born under this sign are known for their loyalty, devotion, and passion. Its sister signs are Cancer and Pisces (the two other water signs), meaning they have similar traits and tend to understand each other well. Taurus is opposite Scorpio on the zodiac wheel being the fixed earth sign, meaning the two tend to have a sort of push pull relationship, getting along pretty well generally but not having many things in common. Being the fixed water sign, Scorpios are very determined and decisive and as a result some may view them as being closed off or rude as they tend to take a little longer to open up to people. However, once they have opened up they are loyal, caring, and generous friends who are determined to support and uplift those around them. In terms of some stereotypes associated with Scorpios, people tend to think that they are obsessive, emotional, and the more temperamental of the water signs. This is likely because of their fixed nature and their tendency to love those around them passionately.
On November 22nd Sagittarius season officially begins and doesn’t come to an end until December 21st. If you were born on or within these days you are a Sagittarius and it is your Sun sign. Its sister signs are Leo and Aries (the two other fire signs), meaning that these signs are similar and understand each other well. Gemini is opposite from Sagittarius on the zodiac wheel being the mutable air sign, meaning the two tend to have a sort of push pull relationship, getting along pretty well generally but not having many things in common. Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign meaning that it is one of the least outgoing and “attention-seeking” of the fire signs however much like their sister signs, they value their independence and are very adventurous in nature. Sagittarius’s value being able to do what they want when they want and are extremely spontaneous. They are also known for their humor similar to their opposing sign Gemini and value honesty and intellect in others. Moreover, they are known for their emotional intelligence which helps them to connect to others, potentially contributing to the large number of people they tend to know. On the other hand, Sagittarius's are known for getting bored easily and having commitment issues because of their love for spontaneity and how they value freedom. However, once a Sagittarius has established a friendship or relationship in general they are known for being very understanding, empathetic, and great planners because of their love for adventure. Overall, Sagittarius’s are fun to be around and are often the life of the party.